Sörlaskeið 26
220 Hafnarfjörður
+354 555 7000
This pioneering tour will take us through diverse landscapes in the wild west. The trail links the stunning Snæfellsnes and Vatnsnes peninsulas in the northwest of the country – weaving through beautiful valleys, and ending by Lake Hóp.
DETAILSSince the Viking era, the ancient Kjölur trail has been an essential and popular trail to travel across the highlands. As hinted by its name, this 8-riding-day tour offers even more than the legendary Kjölur route between the glaciers itself.
DETAILSWir reiten in die Berge, um die atemberaubende Landschaft zu genießen. Wir durchqueren die schwarze Sandwüste Mælifellssandur, die uns zu Lavafeldern führt, die aus den Kratern des Laki während des Skaftáreldar-Ausbruchs entstanden sind.