Highland Express

Hekla Adventure
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Riding in Iceland
Traveling around Iceland riding the icelandic Horse on a multi day tour
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Riding the Icelandic Horse
riding in Iceland
GoldenCircle-10 GoldenCircle-20 Hekla Adventure 18 7 8 ISH_KJÖLUR_06 ISH_KJÖLUR_07 Kjölur ICE_2102_8249 copy ICE_2141_8288 copy ICE_2065_8214 copy ICE_2059_8207 copy Riding in Iceland Traveling around Iceland riding the icelandic Horse on a multi day tour ICE_2148_8295 copy Riding the Icelandic Horse riding in Iceland


    4 days - 3 nights - 4 riding days


    Intermediate riders


    2025: 6-9 August


    3 nights in simple but cozy mountain huts


    Bus transfer von Reykjavik zur Farm und zurueck

    Wahrend der Tour ist Vollverpflegung enthalten. Das Essen besteht aus einem grossen Fruehstuecksbuffet, von dem die Gaeste auch ihr Lunchpaket zusammenstellen. Abendessen ist traditionelle islaendische Kueche (Fisch oder Lamm), vegetarisches Essen ist kein Problem, solange es bei der Buchung angegeben wird.

    Alcoholic beverages are not included in the tour price and are hard to get in the highlands.

    Regenkleidung, Wasserflasche, Satteltasche, Reithelm


    Eine individuelle Reiseversicherung ist nicht im Preis enthalten, wir empfehlen den Gaesten, eine abzuschliessen.

    Flug nach und von Island ist nicht inklusive

    Pick-up in Reykjavík is around noon

    Day 1  Tungufell - Helgaskáli

    Today we ride the countryside until we start ascending up to the highlands. When we have reached the plateau we send the herd to Helgaskáli cabin, but turn our mounts to investigate another big canyon Laxárgljúfur, for a photostop. Back at Helgaskáli we enjoy our dinner in the sheperds' cabin.
    No showers. 25 km. 3-5 hours.


    Day 2  Helgaskáli - Holaskogur

    Today you ride down from the highland again, with great views over to the volcano Hekla. The lava landscape is rugged and vast and you wonder how it looked when it was in the making ages ago. We will stop to see the impressive waterfall Háifoss on the way down to Hólaskógur cabin where we stop for the night.
    Showers. 28 km. 5-6 hours.

    Day 3  Holaskogur - Rjupnavellir

    Today you ride down from the highland again, with great views over to the volcano Hekla. We pass by the valley Gjainand the ancient farm at Stöng. We venture closer to the distinctly shaped volcano Burfell and cross Thjorsa river there via a bridge.
    Showers. 30 km. 5-6 hours.


    Day 4 Rjupnavellir - Galtalækur

    On our last day we venture closer to Hekla. The journey starts with a river crossing into  a remote area under the roots of the volcano. Today we descend from Hekla, enjoying smooth paths through the impressive and ever-changing lava fields reinforcing the 'Gateway to Hell' epithet. Our route takes us down-stream along the river Rangá which we will cross before arriving at Hrólfstaðahellir, for a break.

    Departing from Hrolfstaðahellir, we journey towards Rettarnes, an ancient sheep roundup site. The ride now takes us up along the Rangá river, alternating between green expanses, rugged lava terrains and ash dunes, until we circle back to the green pastures of Galtalækur.

    35 km. 6-7 hours

    Bus will take us back to Reykjavík in the evening.

    The right to change the itinerary if necessary, is reserved

    Flughafen Transfer

    Wir empfehlen eine Buchung mit Airport direct, da sie flexiblere Abfahrtszeiten haben.


    Keflavik - Reykjavik (Bus hostel)

    Reykjavik (Bus hostel) - Keflavik


    Buchungsbedingungen (T&Cs)
    If you book online you will be asked to pay the full amount. Please contact us for different payment options.


    Ishestar behaelt sich das Recht vor, Routen oder Zeitplaene kurzfristig zu aendern, falls dies noetig werden sollte. Ishestar uebernimmt keine Verantwortlichkeit fuer Kosten die durch verspaetete Fluege, Krankheiten, Unfaelle, etc. entstehen. Diese Kosten liegen in der Verantwortung der Reisenden.

    For more information please see also our Frequently Asked Questions and/or contact us at multidaytours@ishestar.is